Your Ph.D. Dissertation: Unsure Whether to Persevere or Give Up the Good Fight?
“The straight line, a respectable optical illusion which ruins many a man.” - Victor Hugo It's embedded in many of us: Never Give Up. Nobody likes a quitter, after all. But the reality is that our lives consist of a series of choices and experiences that involve...
Want to Complete Your Ph.D.? Key Strategies for Working with your Dissertation Supervisor
Key Strategies for Working with your Dissertation Supervisor When it comes to successfully reaching the highly anticipated Ph.D. Finish Line, so much depends on the working relationship you have with one key academic person: your dissertation supervisor. It’s true...
6 Ways to Boost Your Writing Productivity NOW!
Even though many of us are currently self-isolating with some spare time on our hands, let's admit it: It can be a challenge to get things done, particularly complex writing tasks. This isn't a lofty sabbatical in a sunny clime after all. It's essentially a global...
Writing Through Pandemic Anxiety: How to Break Through and Write Anyway
You can work through writer’s block and make progress on your dissertation.
The Bright Side of Dissertation Procrastination (How Being Stalled Helps)
Dissertation Procrastination is Part of the Process “Such a good morning’s writing I’d planned and wasted the cream of my brain on the telephone." - Virginia Woolff Procrastination generally gets a bad rap, especially when you're trying to finish something deemed...
Pursuing Your Ph.D. in Midlife: Re-awakening the Student Brain
People in midlife return to school at the doctoral level for all sorts of reasons. Many want to further a career that has hit a salary or positional impasse, some desire to teach their well-honed skills in an academic setting, while others want a 180-degree life...
Defend Your Ph.D. Dissertation in 3 Easy Steps
Public speaking continues to take top billing when it comes to typical human fears, even beating out the fear of death! Fortunately, there are proven ways you can head into your doctoral defence with the confidence needed to successfully finish your Ph.D. It's...
How A Dissertation Coach Can Be Your Secret Weapon
Over the years that I have been coaching students and colleagues working on their doctoral dissertations, I’ve noticed several key reasons why they reached out for support in the first place. I also experienced those very same obstacles as I navigated my own...
Getting Back on Stage: Tackling the Issue of Perfectionism
Most performers I know suffer from stage fright. For some, it comes and goes and can be terribly random: tonight they are fine, tomorrow they may be close to passing out. For others, it’s persistent, at least for a period of...
Wired to Procrastinate When It Comes to Writing? Try One of These Tips to Get Unstuck.
What is Procrastination a Sign of? Almost all of us procrastinate at least some of the time and there seems to be a good evolutionary reason for it. Throughout almost all of human history up to the very near present, we lived short, difficult lives with our primary...