As a dissertation coach who has worked with students all around the world, one of the most common questions I get from students is:

“How long should my dissertation be?”

The answer is not straightforward but is a crucial consideration for anyone embarking on this academic journey.

So let’s break it down, shall we?

The Length Question: Is There a Magic Number?

Short answer: Doctoral dissertation lengths can vary widely depending on various factors including the field of study, program guidelines, committee expectations and the scope of the research.

Generally, a dissertation falls between 200 to 300 pages, though this is a broad range. Some disciplines, such as the humanities, often lean toward the longer end of the spectrum due to the need for extensive literature reviews and detailed analysis. On the other hand, STEM fields might produce more concise dissertations, focusing heavily on data and empirical findings. Such dissertations may be composed of multiple journal articles instead of the standard five chapter format.

Should You Determine the Length of Your Dissertation From the Start? 

Not necessarily. While it’s good to have a rough idea of length, the focus should always be on the quality and depth of research, rather than meeting a specific page count. It’s the substance of your argument that truly matters.

Fun Trivia Fact:

Did you know that one of the longest dissertations ever written was over 2,000 pages? The author: Joachim Schuhmacher at the University of Konstanz in Germany.

On the flip side, the shortest dissertation on record is just 20 pages long but it presented a breakthrough in quantum physics.

When Is a Dissertation Too Short?

The reality: A dissertation that is too short might show a lack of depth in research or analysis. If your dissertation feels too brief, ask yourself whether you’ve fully explored your topic from all necessary angles. Discuss this in detail with your dissertation supervisor. Have you engaged fully with existing literature? Have you provided a sufficient depth of analysis regarding your findings? Or did you just feel the need to finish your dissertation at all cost?

The Longest Dissertation Title Ever

A strong dissertation title should be clear and concise. However, some dissertation titles can seem almost as lengthy as the document itself. The longest title on record contains 1,433 characters! Here’s an example of a lengthy title:

“The development of a biological acid sulphate soil model to predict the acidification and subsequent dewatering of acid sulphate soils in a coastal floodplain environment: A case study from the Tweed River floodplain in northern New South Wales, Australia”

Competing Views on Dissertation Length

Not everyone agrees on how long a dissertation should be. Some academics argue that shorter, more concise dissertations demonstrate clarity of thought and precision. They suggest that if you can present your findings and make a firm, compelling argument without stretching your content, then a shorter dissertation can be just as powerful.

On the other hand, some scholars believe a longer dissertation allows for a more comprehensive exploration of the topic, providing room for a thorough literature review, a well developed methodology, and a detailed discussion of findings. The key is to strike a balance between thoroughness and conciseness, ensuring that every key section of your dissertation serves a purpose.

When to Start Thinking About the Length of Your Dissertation

While you don’t need to set a rigid page count from the beginning, it’s smart to keep the length of your dissertation in mind as you progress with your draft. Discuss it with your advisor (or dissertation coach) to get a sense of what’s expected within your department. Remember, the length will also depend on the complexity of your topic.

A Fun Fact about Dissertations

One of the most complicated theses ever written was in the field of mathematics, titled “Moduli Spaces and Invariant Theory for G-Varieties.” It’s notorious not just for its dense content but also for being nearly impossible for anyone outside the field to understand!

Final Thoughts on Dissertation Length

Ultimately, when writing your dissertation, focus on developing a well-organized, well-researched document that contributes to your field. Whether it’s 200 pages or 300, make sure every paragraph counts.

There’s more. Get in touch. Dissertation Complete Coaching helps dissertation writers get unstuck, move forward and, yes, graduate. We can help you!