by Dr. Cara | Nov 14, 2023 | Uncategorized
The journey of a dissertation can often feel astonishingly solitary, an experience compounded by the weight of stress, anxiety and daily worries. It was precisely this sense of isolation that compelled me to become a dissertation coach, with the goal of transforming...
by caraweston | May 28, 2020 | Dissertation Supervisor, Finish dissertation, PhD Advisor, Uncategorized
Key Strategies for Working with your Dissertation Supervisor When it comes to successfully reaching the highly anticipated Ph.D. Finish Line, so much depends on the working relationship you have with one key academic person: your dissertation supervisor. It’s true...
by caraweston | May 5, 2020 | Dissertation Coaching, Finish dissertation, Procrastination, Uncategorized
Even though many of us are currently self-isolating with some spare time on our hands, let’s admit it: It can be a challenge to get things done, particularly complex writing tasks. This isn’t a lofty sabbatical in a sunny clime after all. It’s...
by caraweston | Mar 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
Dissertation Procrastination is Part of the Process “Such a good morning’s writing I’d planned and wasted the cream of my brain on the telephone.” – Virginia Woolff Procrastination generally gets a bad rap, especially when you’re trying to finish...