by Dr. Cara | Aug 4, 2022 | Dissertation Coaching, Dissertation Defence, Dissertation Supervisor, Finish dissertation
Below are five simple tips to help you finish your dissertation. These pointers are best considered at the beginning stages of the dissertation process but can be used at any point, to get things back on track or provide a bit of motivation during your darkest...
by caraweston | Oct 2, 2021 | Dissertation Coaching, Finish dissertation, Midlife PhD, Writing
Move over New Year’s resolutions. October is the new January. A Pinterest study revealed that the majority of us think of autumn as a popular time for starting over (again), taking care of long-awaited goals and making needed personal changes. It makes sense, right?...
by caraweston | Aug 20, 2020 | Dissertation Coaching, Dissertation Supervisor, Finish dissertation, PhD Advisor
We live in a rainbow of chaos – Paul Cezanne A editor friend of mine frequently does a total desk clean-up before starting a writing project. Papers cleared, files organized, surface sparkling. She says it clears her mind for something new. “I can...
by caraweston | Jul 17, 2020 | Finish dissertation, Procrastination, Writing
Imagine the perfect romantic evening. Candles burning, dreamy music playing and the fire crackling quietly in the background. Two glasses clink as an amazing meal cooks in the oven. Romance is so much easier when the mood is set, right? Yet we rarely attempt to...
by caraweston | May 28, 2020 | Dissertation Supervisor, Finish dissertation, PhD Advisor, Uncategorized
Key Strategies for Working with your Dissertation Supervisor When it comes to successfully reaching the highly anticipated Ph.D. Finish Line, so much depends on the working relationship you have with one key academic person: your dissertation supervisor. It’s true...
by caraweston | May 5, 2020 | Dissertation Coaching, Finish dissertation, Procrastination, Uncategorized
Even though many of us are currently self-isolating with some spare time on our hands, let’s admit it: It can be a challenge to get things done, particularly complex writing tasks. This isn’t a lofty sabbatical in a sunny clime after all. It’s...