by caraweston | May 5, 2020 | Dissertation Coaching, Finish dissertation, Procrastination, Uncategorized
Even though many of us are currently self-isolating with some spare time on our hands, let’s admit it: It can be a challenge to get things done, particularly complex writing tasks. This isn’t a lofty sabbatical in a sunny clime after all. It’s...
by caraweston | Apr 12, 2020 | Dissertation Coaching, Finish dissertation, Procrastination, Stage Fright
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” – Louis L’Amour Even on a normal day, writing can be a difficult endeavor, bringing up all sorts of insecurities, resistance and anxiety. For a...
by caraweston | Feb 2, 2020 | Dissertation Coaching
Over the years that I have been coaching students and colleagues working on their doctoral dissertations, I’ve noticed several key reasons why they reached out for support in the first place. I also experienced those very same obstacles as I navigated my own...