by caraweston | Oct 2, 2021 | Dissertation Coaching, Finish dissertation, Midlife PhD, Writing
Move over New Year’s resolutions. October is the new January. A Pinterest study revealed that the majority of us think of autumn as a popular time for starting over (again), taking care of long-awaited goals and making needed personal changes. It makes sense, right?...
by caraweston | Feb 5, 2021 | Dissertation Coaching
You have been on the educational journey for a long time by now: primary school, secondary school, undergraduate school, followed by graduate school for your masters and now your Ph.D. It’s been a lot of years – likely a long haul – and if you’re not yet...
by caraweston | Dec 3, 2020 | Writing
Ah, the oft-misunderstood paragraph. Most of us learned the basics of standard paragraph construction during our elementary school years and beyond. The first sentence should contain your main point and the following sentences should substantiate that point. Simple,...
by caraweston | Oct 17, 2020 | Writing
Writers throughout history have leveraged personal crises and daily stressors to create. From death to divorce to political division, writers have written through (and dared to channel) the most challenging periods of their lives. Channel Adversity Into Writing...
by caraweston | Aug 20, 2020 | Dissertation Coaching, Dissertation Supervisor, Finish dissertation, PhD Advisor
We live in a rainbow of chaos – Paul Cezanne A editor friend of mine frequently does a total desk clean-up before starting a writing project. Papers cleared, files organized, surface sparkling. She says it clears her mind for something new. “I can...